Helping Hand

Before now, a lot of writers suffered because of technology didn’t give them the advantage that it does today. Some people still have misconceptions that publishing a book is a difficult thing to do and you need to know someone, who knows someone, or you have to pay an exorbitant amount of money to get your work out there.

K-Centric is here to tell you that those stories aren’t true anymore and we can be your helping hand through your time of need and counsel. We offer guidance through the entire process of “How to get yourself out there as a writer.”

Anyone who is artistic and creative enough to dream up an entire world in their mind deserves a chance to share that inspiration. The same goes for people who have endured the hardships of life and they want to share their story to protect the ones they love. As long as you have your content all typed up and you feel comfortable enough to set it free into the world that’s where we come in.

We can proofread and edit your work to enhance it to a professional standard and then when that’s complete, we work on your book cover. Paperbacks are a thing of the past, almost everyone has access to e-books and Amazon Kindle. Here’s where your market exists, and you can reach beyond the parameters of your demographic.

By becoming a self-published author, you control the environment, the sales and the audience you want to be exposed to and K-centric helps you to get there. The world is changing, and it isn’t about the big people stepping on the little ones anymore. It’s about lifting and inspiring others to have faith in themselves and helping the little people with big dreams, make that reality come through.